


We have the right to access your personal data to the extent we reasonably believe we need it in order to provide you with products or services. In order to protect the security of your account and personal information, please do not provide your personal account number and password to third parties. If your account username or password is compromised, please immediately change your password or ask us to suspend your account



2. 非Cuplemon技術能力範圍內的事因等造成的服務中斷、客戶內容丟失、出現亂碼;

3. 受到計算機病毒、木馬或其他惡意程序、黑客攻擊的破壞;

4. 用戶或本服務的電腦軟件、系統、硬件和通信線路出現故障;

5. 用戶操作不當;

6. 用戶通過非本服務授權的方式使用本服務;

7. 可運行本服務應用程式和網站的操作系統、瀏覽器或軟件等的漏洞、錯誤、惡意代碼、惡意程序、黑客入侵或不可抗力;

8. 本服務所使用的第三方開源代碼軟件、不開源代碼軟件或其他資源代碼等的漏洞、錯誤、惡意代碼、惡意程序、黑客入侵或不可抗力;

9. 本服務所使用的第三方軟件或第三方服務提供商所提供的服務引致的錯誤丶失誤丶漏洞或惡意活動;

10. 其他本服務無法控制或合理預見的情形。

Cuplemon is not responsible for any interruption or interruption of service caused by:

1. Network failure, technical defect, coverage limitation, force majeure

2. Service interruption, loss of customer content, or garbled characters caused by events not within the scope of Cuplemon's technical capabilities;

3. Damaged by computer viruses, Trojan horses or other malicious programs, or hacker attacks;

4. The computer software, system, hardware and communication lines of the user or the service are faulty;

5. Improper user operation;

6. The user uses the service in a way not authorized by the service;

7. Vulnerabilities, errors, malicious codes, malicious programs, hacking or force majeure of the operating system, browser or software that can run the application and website of this service;

8. Vulnerabilities, errors, malicious codes, malicious programs, hacking or force majeure of third-party open-source software, non-open source software or other resource codes used in this service;

9. Errors, mistakes, bugs or malicious activities caused by third-party software used in this service or services provided by third-party service providers;

10.Other circumstances beyond the control or reasonably foreseeable of this service.


1. 來自他人匿名或冒名的含有威脅、誹謗、令人反感或非法內容的信息;

2. 遭受他人誤導、欺騙或其他導致或可能導致的任何心理、生理上的傷害以及經濟上的損失;

3. 其他因網絡信息或用戶行為引起的損失或風險。


Users may encounter risks brought by network information or other user behaviors when using this service. This service is not responsible for the authenticity, applicability, and legality of any information, nor for damages caused by users. These risks include but are not limited to:

1. Information containing threatening, defamatory, objectionable or illegal content from others anonymously or impersonating;

2. Suffer any psychological, physical harm and economic loss caused or likely to be caused by others misleading, deceived or otherwise;

3. Other losses or risks caused by network information or user behavior.

Users are requested not to trust any online information involving property and passwords, so as not to be deceived.

Cuplemon對於所有人發佈的內容與商品資訊並不負任何法律上之保證、擔保或賠償責任。您明確了解並同意 Cuplemon 提供之網路服務、資料庫系統及程式設計僅以「現狀」提供服務,Cuplemon不保證以下事項:

1. 所有會員自行填寫資料之正確性。

2. 本服務符合使用者的需求;

3. 您經由本服務購買之商品或服務將符合您的期望;

4. 本服務內容及系統程式不受干擾、及時提供或免於出錯;

Cuplemon is not responsible for any legal guarantee, guarantee or compensation for the content and product information published by the owner. You clearly understand and agree that the network services, database system and programming provided by Cuplemon provide services only 'as is', and Cuplemon does not guarantee the following:

1. All members fill in the correctness of the information by themselves.

2. This service meets the needs of users.

3. The products or services you purchase through this service will meet your expectations;

4. The content of this service and system programs are not disturbed, provided in a timely manner or free from errors;


All information or ambiguities in this Terms of Service will be based on the official interpretation of Cuplemon. If you continue to use this service, it means that you agree to the content of this Terms of Service.

Cuplemon 會隨時進行規格變更及版本更新,如因此暫時停止網路服務,Cuplemon 不對平台使用者負上任何賠償。

Cuplemon will make version updates at any time. If the network service is temporarily suspended as a result, Cuplemon will not be liable for any compensation to platform users.

本服務指定之第三方服務,所提供的服務品質及內容由該第三方自行負責。故使用本服務時,可能由於第三方本身系統問題、相關作業網路連線品質問題或其他不可抗拒因素,造成驗證無法完成。若您所提供之基本資料有誤,造成本服務無法即時通知您異常狀況之緊急處理方式時,Cuplemon 對此將不負任何損害賠償責任。本服務擁有隨時更改條款的權利,若您仍繼續使用本服務,即表示您願意受新修訂的條款內容。

Any third party software, hardware, and services that you use in conjunction with Cuplemon's services is the sole responsibility of such third party, and is subject to the terms, conditions, warranties and disclaimers provided by such third party. Moreover, no party will be responsible for any damages or other liability resulting from a party’s inability to receive or transmit to the service by any reason beyond the reasonable control of any party, including without limitation, any occurrence of any act of God, strike, industrial disturbance, act of terrorism, fire, electrical failure, major computer hardware or software failure, equipment delivery delay or act of a third party. In such cases, if the contact details that you have provided are incorrect, Cuplemon cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any damages resulting from lack of communication on our part.

上次更新時間:2022 年 2月 9日