
Privacy Policy

Cuplemon 十分重視您的隱私權保護,將依個人資料保護法及本隱私權政策蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料,並提供您對個人資料權利之行使與保護。若您不同意本隱私權政策之全部或部分者,請您停止使用本網站服務。

We take the protection of your privacy seriously. That is why we wrote this Policy to explain the privacy practices of CUPLEMON COMPANY LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as 'Cuplemon'). This Privacy Policy covers how we protect your personal data including how we collect, process, store, and use your data, in order to protect your rights and for you to feel peace of mind when using our services. If you do not agree with part or whole of the Privacy Policy, please stop using our services immediately.

1. 隱私權政策使用



1. Privacy Policy Use

Before using the services offered by Cuplemon's website, mobile Web, and mobile applications ('Platforms'), please familiarize yourself with our Privacy Policy, and agree to all the articles listed. If you do not agree to part or all of the articles, please do not use the services offered by our Platforms.

The Privacy Policy only applies to the collection, processing, storage, and use of your personal data by Cuplemon's Platforms. We are not responsible for the content or privacy policies of third-party companies, websites, people, or services, even when you access these from a link on our Platforms.

2. 個人資料保護事項


ii. 提供本公司相關服務、行銷或其他法律關係事務、消費者、客戶管理與服務、其他電子商務服務、廣告和商業行為管理業務、相關調查統計與研究分析。提供個人化服務時,亦可能於上述規定之目的以外,利用個人資料。

iii. 資料收集:

● 地址、姓名、聯絡電話、電子信箱、出生日期、年齡、性別、興趣、搜尋模式等

● 收集您使用本服務時進行的相關活動資訊,如推薦商品。收集的活動資訊可能包括但不限於:




  ■裝置作業系統、 IP 位址等


  ■ 地址、姓名、聯絡電話、電子信箱、出生日期、年齡、性別、興趣、搜尋模式等

  ■ 資料使用區域:本公司執行業務所在地。

  ■ 資料使用對象:本公司及本公司關係企業,及本公司委外之合作公司。

2. Personal data protection

i. Party collecting the data: CUPLEMON COMPANY LIMITED

ii. To provide our services, marketing, administration of contracts, agreements and other legal matters, consumer and customer management and services, online shopping and other e-commerce services, advertising and commercial management, and other business as designated in the business registration or organization charter. When providing personalized services, personal data may be used for purposes in addition to the ones specified above.

iii. Data collection:

● Address, name, contact number, e-mail, date of birth, age, gender, interest, search, etc.

● We will collect information about your activities when using Cuplemon. The type of information we will collect may include but are not limited to the following:

  ■Keywords and phrases you search for.

  ■The content you browse, number of ad views and number of interactions.

  ■Transaction activities, records and usage time.

  ■The content you exchange or share on Cuplemon and who you exchange and share with.

  ■The device you use, operating system and IP address.

  ■E-mails, website messages, automatic recording of information, etc.

  ■ Data usage: six months after service termination or account disappearance.

  ■ Data usage area: the location where the company performs business.

  ■ Data use object: the company and its affiliated companies, and the cooperative company outsourced by the company.

3. 保密與安全性


3. Confidentiality and Security

To protect your account and personal data, please do not reveal your username or password to a third party, nor allow a third party to apply for an account using your personal information. If you choose to reveal your personal information to third parties, you will be personally responsible for any subsequent adverse actions. If your account username or password is compromised, please immediately change your password or ask us to suspend your account (we may ask for personal information to confirm your identity).

4. 個人資料收集及使用說明


4. Collection, Processing, and Use of Personal Data

Cuplemon will not arbitrarily offer your personal data to third parties, except when required to by legal and inspection bodies, related authorities, or companies that help us provide services.

5. 隱私權政策的更新

本網站將以您所提供之電子郵件或簡訊通知您相關隱私權政策的更新。若您不同意該等變更或修改,請停止繼續使用本網站服務。 您可隨時修改個人帳號資料,本公司保有權利向您傳送相關的特定訊息,這些訊息被視為您帳號的一部分,您無法選擇拒絕接受。

5. Changes to the Privacy Policy

You will be notified of any amendments to the Privacy Policy via email or app message. By continuing to use of our Platforms following any amendments, you would be deemed to have agreed to the amendments. If you do not agree, please notify us, in accordance with the Privacy Policy, to stop collecting, processing, and using your personal data. You may amend your personal details at any time from your account settings. We reserve the right to send you messages regarding Cuplemon's news and services, and management announcements. These messages are regarded as a part of your membership agreement, and cannot be opted out of.

6. 未成年人保護


6. Protection of Minors

Our Platforms are not designed for minors. Users under 18 should acquire permission from a parent or legal guardian before using our services, or use our services under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian. Furthermore, the parent or legal guardian must agree to our collecting or using of any personal data provided.

上次更新時間:2022 年 2月 9日