
Terms & Policies

1. 認知與接受條款

歡迎使用檸檬環球科技有限公司 - CUPLEMON COMPANY LIMITED(以下簡稱「Cuplemon」),依據本服務條款提供 Cuplemon服務,包括平台和網頁 (以下簡稱「本服務」)。當您使用本服務時,即表示您已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本服務條款之所有內容。




1. Acceptance of Terms

Welcome to CUPLEMON COMPANY LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as "Cuplemon"), which provides Cuplemon services, including platform and web page (hereinafter referred to as "the service") in accordance with these terms of service. When you access this service, it means that you have read, understood, and agree to accept all the contents of the terms of service.

This service, including this application and website, and all information provided through this application or its related services, will be provided by local legal person designated by Cuplemon in accordance with your country or location.

If you are under 18 years of age, and you use or continue to use our services, it is presumed that a parent or legal guardian has read, understood, and agree to the content of the Terms of Service and its subsequent revisions or updates.

When you use this service, you must abide by the terms of service or relevant regulations announced by Cuplemon. Cuplemon reserves the right to revise or update the content of the Terms of Service at any time. Therefore, it is recommended that you review the Terms of Service regularly. By continuing to use our services after any revision or updates to the Terms of Service, it is presumed that you have read, understood, and agreed to the revisions or updates. If you do not agree with the content of the Terms of Service, or your country or area excludes our Terms of Service, please stop using our services immediately.

2. 您的註冊義務


A. 提供您本人正確的資料,



若您提供任何錯誤或不實的資料,Cuplemon 有權終止您的帳號,並拒絕您使用本服務。

2. Your Registration Obligations

In consideration of your use of Cuplemon&aposs services, you agree to:

A. Provide your correct information,

B.It is the responsibility to update your personal information.

C.Record personal information, account or password by yours.

If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, or there is reason to suspect so, Cuplemon has the right to suspend or terminate your account and deny your use of all, or part, of our services.

3. 會員帳號和密碼


3. User Account, Password, and Security

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and login details (username and password).

4. 您提供的內容

您透過本服務以任何方式提供的內容,包括但不限於圖像、文字、影音及評價等,即表示您保證擁有所有必要的權利及/或許可,且可依照本條款供 Cuplemon利用。



4. Your Content

Content you provide in any way through this service, including but not limited to, text, images, videos, reviews and comments, on or through Cuplemon services, you represent and warrant that you have all rights and/or consents that are necessary to grant to Cuplemon the rights to such Content, as contemplated under the Terms of Service.

You hereby grant Cuplemon a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license, irrevocable, perpetual, with the right to sublicense and transferable license, to use, copy, modify, prepare derivative works, translate, distribute, license, restore, transmit, adapt or otherwise exploit such Content on, through, or by means of our services. Cuplemon may use Content to promote Cuplemon or our Services in general, in any format and through any channels, including but not limited to email, third-party websites or advertising mediums.

You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for all Content that you make available on, through or by means of our services, and that you will indemnify Cuplemon for all claims resulting from Content you supply. You represent and warrant that the Content will not infringe, misappropriate or violate a third party’s patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, moral rights, other proprietary, intellectual property rights, rights of publicity or privacy, or result in the violation of any applicable law or regulation.

5. 與第三人網站的連結


5. Links to Third Party Websites

Cuplemon or companies that help us provide services may provide links to external websites or online resources. By clicking on third party links on Cuplemon&aposs platforms, you acknowledge and agree that Cuplemon is not associated with, responsible for, or endorses any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available from such sites or resources. All external websites operated by third parties are the sole responsibilities of their web operators and therefore beyond Cuplemon&aposs control and responsibility. Cuplemon cannot guarantee the appropriateness, reliability, timeliness, effectiveness, correctness, and completeness of external websites.

6. 使用者的守法義務及承諾


A. 發佈任何侮辱、誹謗、不實、具威脅性、不雅、攻擊性、猥褻、違反公共秩序或善良風俗或其他不法之文字、圖片或任何形式的檔案於本服務上;

B. 干擾或中斷本服務或伺服器

C. 不遵守連結至本服務之相關需求、程序、政策或規則等;

D. 侵害他人名譽、隱私權、營業秘密、商標權、著作權、專利權、其他知識產權及其他權利;

E. 違反依法律或契約所應負之保密義務;

F. 發佈虛假不實、引人犯罪之訊息;

G. 冒用他人名義使用本服務;

H. 上載、張貼、傳輸或散佈任何含有電腦病毒或任何對電腦軟、硬體產生中斷、破壞或限制功能之程式碼之資料;

I. 濫發廣告郵件、垃圾郵件、連鎖信、違法之多層次傳銷訊息等;

J. 其他 Cuplemon 有正當理由認為不適當之行為。

6. User's Legal Obligation and Commitment

You agree to never use Cuplemon&aposs services for any illegal purpose or in any unlawful manner, and undertake to comply with related laws of all international practices for Internet use. You agree to comply with the laws of your country or region. You agree and pledge not to use Cuplemon&aposs services to infringe on the rights or interests of others, or for any illegal conduct. You agree not to use Cuplemon&aposs services to:

A. Upload, post, publish, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages, tags, or other materials ("Content") that is libelous, defamatory, unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, vulgar, obscene, false, invasive of another&aposs privacy, hateful, or that violates or incites violation of public order, or that is racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable;

B. Interfere with or interrupt this service or server

C. Failure to comply with related requirements, procedures, policies or rules linked to this service;

D. Upload, post, publish, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any Content that violates or infringes on another person&aposs reputation, privacy, trade secrets, trademark, copyright, patent rights, other intellectual property rights, or other rights;

E. Violation of confidentiality obligations under the law or contract;

F. Publish false, untruthful and criminal information;

G. Impersonate any person or entity including using another person&aposs name to use our services;

H. Upload, post, publish, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses, or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, damage, or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment;

I. Upload, post, publish, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas that are designated for such purpose;

J. To conduct any other activity or behavior that Cuplemon sees as inappropriate on reasonable grounds.

7. 系統中斷或故障


7. System interruption or failure

This service may encounter interruptions or breakdowns. This may lead to inconvenience during use, loss of information, errors, unauthorized alteration, or other economic losses. We advise that you take protective measures when using our services. Cuplemon will not be liable for any compensation.

8. 資訊或建議



8. Information or Suggestions

Cuplemon does not guarantee that the information or suggestions obtained by you using this service are completely correct. Cuplemon has the right to modify or delete the information or suggestions provided by this service at any time.

Cuplemon may cooperate at any time with third parties, based on the principle of respect for the intellectual property rights of third parties, Cuplemon shall not perform any substantial review or revision of content from such Content Providers. You should make your own judgments concerning the correctness or authenticity of such content. Cuplemon shall not be held liable for the correctness or authenticity of this type of content.

9. 知識產權的保護

Cuplemon 所使用之軟體或程式、應用程式和網頁上所有內容和資訊,均由 Cuplemon 或其他權利人依法擁有其知識產權,包括但不限於商標權、專利權、著作權、營業秘密與專有技術等。任何人不得逕自使用、修改、重製、公開播送、公開傳輸、公開演出、改作、散布、發行、公開發表、進行還原工程、解編或反向組譯。若您欲引用或轉載前述軟體、程式或網站內容,必須依法取得 Cuplemon 或其他權利人的事前書面同意。如有違反,您應對 Cuplemon 負損害賠償責任。Cuplemon 及其關係企業為行銷宣傳本服務,就本服務相關之商品或服務名稱、圖樣等(以下稱「Cuplemon 商標」),依其註冊或使用之狀態,受商標法及公平交易法等之保護,未經 Cuplemon 事前書面同意,您同意不以任何方式使用 Cuplemon 商標。

9. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

The programs, software, and all website content employed by Cuplemon, including but not limited to product information, images, files, website frameworks, website interface infrastructure, and webpage designs, and user content, shall in all cases constitute intellectual property rights legally in the possession of Cuplemon or other rights holder. Such intellectual property rights shall include but not be limited to trademarks, patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets, and proprietary technologies. No persons may willfully use, modify, reproduce, broadcast, transmit, publicly perform, adapt, disseminate, distribute, publish, restore, decode, or disassemble of said intellectual property. You may not quote, reprint, or reproduce the above-mentioned programs, software, and website content, without prior written permission from Cuplemon or the copyright owner, except when clearly permitted by the law. You must fulfill your duty to respect intellectual property rights, or bear full responsibility for any damage. In order to market and promote our services, product or service names, images, or other propriety materials related to these services belonging to Cuplemon.

10. 未滿十八歲人士之保護


A. 先檢閱各該網站是否有保護個人資料的「隱私權政策」,再決定是否同意提出相關的個人資料。


10. Protection of persons under the age of 18

In order to ensure the safety of minors using the Internet and avoid infringement of their privacy rights, guardians should fulfill the following obligations:

A. Review the Privacy Policy of the website, and decide whether they agree to provide the requested personal data. The parent or guardian should regularly remind their children that they should not disclose any information on themselves or about their family (including name, address, contact number, email address, pictures, credit or debit card numbers, etc.) to anybody. In addition, they should not accept any invitations or gifts from friends they only communicate with online, or agree to meet such friends alone.

B. Be cautious in selecting suitable websites for minors. Children under 12 years of age should only use the Internet under full supervision. Minors over 12 years of age should only visit websites for which a parent or legal guardian has already given approval.

11. 交易行為


11. Sales or Other Transactions

Suppliers or individuals may use our services to buy and/or sell (trade) products, services, or other transactions. If you engage in any transaction, the trade or other agreement exists between only you and the supplier or individual. In case of any dispute arising out of a trade, service, or other transaction, you should seek remedy or resolution from the relevant supplier or individual.

12. 廣告


12. Advertisement

All advertising content, text or picture descriptions, display samples, or other marketing information that you see when using our services ("Advertisement"), are designed and provided by their advertising companies, or product or service suppliers. You should exercise your own discretion and judgment about the correctness and reliability of any Advertisement. Cuplemon only posts the Advertisement. Cuplemon shall not assume responsibility for any Advertisement.

13. 通知


13. Notices

Users confirm and agree that we may change the Terms of Service anytime and from time to time without any form of notice. Your agreement to this Terms of Service constitutes your agreement that you are deemed to have received any and all notices that would have been delivered had you accessed our services in an authorized manner.

14. 終止


14. Termination

Cuplemon reserves the right to terminate or restrict your use of the account for any reason. In addition, you agree that Cuplemon may, according to its discretion, with or without notice, at any time terminate or limit your usage of these services or any portion thereof. Further, you agree that all terminations, limitations of access and suspensions for cause shall be made in Cuplemon&aposs sole discretion and that Cuplemon shall not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your account or access to these services.

15. 準據法



■ 您同意,本平台是一個僅在香港特別行政區的被動平台,在香港特別行政區以外的司法管轄區,不會對本服務產生個人管轄權。

■ 您同意,平台、條款、隱私政策以及您與本服務之間的任何爭議在所有方面均受香港特別行政區法律管轄。

■ 除適用法律禁止的情況外,在不限制消費者的任何法定權利的情況下,您同意由平台直接或間接引起的或與平台有關的所有爭議、索賠和法律程序(包括但不限於購買本服務產品)應單獨解決,不訴諸任何形式的集體訴訟,並且只在位於香港特別行政區法院解決。

■ 您同意放棄所有 "缺乏個人管轄權"和 "不方便法庭"的抗辯,其地點和管轄權在香港特別行政區法院。

15. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The interpretation and application of these terms of service and disputes related to these terms of service shall be handled in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The failure of Cuplemon to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

Choice of Law/Jurisdiction

You agree that this Platform is a passive platform solely based in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which does not give rise to personal jurisdiction over our service in jurisdictions other than California.

You agree that the Platform, Terms, Privacy Policy and any dispute between you and Cuplemon shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Except where prohibited by applicable law, and without limitation to any statutory rights for consumers, you agree that all disputes, claims and legal proceedings directly or indirectly arising out of or relating to the Platform (including but not limited to the purchase of Cuplemon products) shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively in the state courts located in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

You consent to waive all defenses of “lack of personal jurisdiction” and “inconvenient forum” with respect to venue and jurisdiction in the state courts of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.



Updating These Terms

We may change our Service and policies, and we may need to make changes to these Terms so that they accurately reflect our Service and policies. Then, if you continue to use the Service, you will be bound by the updated Terms. If you do not want to agree to these or any updated Terms, you can delete your account.


Privacy Policy

Cuplemon 十分重視您的隱私權保護,將依個人資料保護法及本隱私權政策蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料,並提供您對個人資料權利之行使與保護。若您不同意本隱私權政策之全部或部分者,請您停止使用本網站服務。

We take the protection of your privacy seriously. That is why we wrote this Policy to explain the privacy practices of CUPLEMON COMPANY LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as 'Cuplemon'). This Privacy Policy covers how we protect your personal data including how we collect, process, store, and use your data, in order to protect your rights and for you to feel peace of mind when using our services. If you do not agree with part or whole of the Privacy Policy, please stop using our services immediately.

1. 隱私權政策使用



1. Privacy Policy Use

Before using the services offered by Cuplemon's website, mobile Web, and mobile applications ('Platforms'), please familiarize yourself with our Privacy Policy, and agree to all the articles listed. If you do not agree to part or all of the articles, please do not use the services offered by our Platforms.

The Privacy Policy only applies to the collection, processing, storage, and use of your personal data by Cuplemon's Platforms. We are not responsible for the content or privacy policies of third-party companies, websites, people, or services, even when you access these from a link on our Platforms.

2. 個人資料保護事項


ii. 提供本公司相關服務、行銷或其他法律關係事務、消費者、客戶管理與服務、其他電子商務服務、廣告和商業行為管理業務、相關調查統計與研究分析。提供個人化服務時,亦可能於上述規定之目的以外,利用個人資料。

iii. 資料收集:

● 地址、姓名、聯絡電話、電子信箱、出生日期、年齡、性別、興趣、搜尋模式等

● 收集您使用本服務時進行的相關活動資訊,如推薦商品。收集的活動資訊可能包括但不限於:




  ■裝置作業系統、 IP 位址等


  ■ 地址、姓名、聯絡電話、電子信箱、出生日期、年齡、性別、興趣、搜尋模式等

  ■ 資料使用區域:本公司執行業務所在地。

  ■ 資料使用對象:本公司及本公司關係企業,及本公司委外之合作公司。

2. Personal data protection

i. Party collecting the data: CUPLEMON COMPANY LIMITED

ii. To provide our services, marketing, administration of contracts, agreements and other legal matters, consumer and customer management and services, online shopping and other e-commerce services, advertising and commercial management, and other business as designated in the business registration or organization charter. When providing personalized services, personal data may be used for purposes in addition to the ones specified above.

iii. Data collection:

● Address, name, contact number, e-mail, date of birth, age, gender, interest, search, etc.

● We will collect information about your activities when using Cuplemon. The type of information we will collect may include but are not limited to the following:

  ■Keywords and phrases you search for.

  ■The content you browse, number of ad views and number of interactions.

  ■Transaction activities, records and usage time.

  ■The content you exchange or share on Cuplemon and who you exchange and share with.

  ■The device you use, operating system and IP address.

  ■E-mails, website messages, automatic recording of information, etc.

  ■ Data usage: six months after service termination or account disappearance.

  ■ Data usage area: the location where the company performs business.

  ■ Data use object: the company and its affiliated companies, and the cooperative company outsourced by the company.

3. 保密與安全性


3. Confidentiality and Security

To protect your account and personal data, please do not reveal your username or password to a third party, nor allow a third party to apply for an account using your personal information. If you choose to reveal your personal information to third parties, you will be personally responsible for any subsequent adverse actions. If your account username or password is compromised, please immediately change your password or ask us to suspend your account (we may ask for personal information to confirm your identity).

4. 個人資料收集及使用說明


4. Collection, Processing, and Use of Personal Data

Cuplemon will not arbitrarily offer your personal data to third parties, except when required to by legal and inspection bodies, related authorities, or companies that help us provide services.

5. 隱私權政策的更新

本網站將以您所提供之電子郵件或簡訊通知您相關隱私權政策的更新。若您不同意該等變更或修改,請停止繼續使用本網站服務。 您可隨時修改個人帳號資料,本公司保有權利向您傳送相關的特定訊息,這些訊息被視為您帳號的一部分,您無法選擇拒絕接受。

5. Changes to the Privacy Policy

You will be notified of any amendments to the Privacy Policy via email or app message. By continuing to use of our Platforms following any amendments, you would be deemed to have agreed to the amendments. If you do not agree, please notify us, in accordance with the Privacy Policy, to stop collecting, processing, and using your personal data. You may amend your personal details at any time from your account settings. We reserve the right to send you messages regarding Cuplemon's news and services, and management announcements. These messages are regarded as a part of your membership agreement, and cannot be opted out of.

6. 未成年人保護


6. Protection of Minors

Our Platforms are not designed for minors. Users under 18 should acquire permission from a parent or legal guardian before using our services, or use our services under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian. Furthermore, the parent or legal guardian must agree to our collecting or using of any personal data provided.


Allowed & Prohibited products

1. 可發售商品:


  ●原創商品:由品牌親自設計具原創性,且符合 Cuplemon 商品販售政策之商品。

1. Allowed products

  ●Original design: a product that is designed and/or created by a designer (or their team/manufacturer). Its design should show originality. The product should not be listed as a prohibited item in the Allowed & Prohibited Items policy.

  ●Authorized representation: a product that is designed by someone else, but the designer or brand owner/company has signed a document stating that you are an authorized seller of that product.

2. 禁止上架商品範圍






















  ●其他經 Cuplemon 判斷認為不符 Cuplemon 商品販售政策之商品。

2. Prohibited products

  ●Non-original, unauthorized items

  ●Counterfeit products, pirated products, and products that may infringe on the rights of others' patents, works, trademarks, etc.

  ●Products that violate the law or used without consent

  ●Tobacco and alcohol and their products as defined by the Tobacco and Alcohol Management Law

  ●Drugs, drug supplies

  ●Organs or body parts or remains of humans and animals

  ●Products containing radioactive substances, flammable substances, and toxic substances, including wastes containing such substances

  ●Other products that violate laws and regulations that are prohibited from being sold or advertised

  ●harmful materials


  ●Weapons, guns, cannons, ammunition, bullets, explosives


  ●Government documents or licenses, ID cards, passports, police items

  ●Products that contain or imply violence.

  ●Sales voucher, donation receipt or certificate, gambling goods, lottery coupons.


  ●Products that are offensive or discriminate against race, religion, gender identity, disability, or promote crime

  ●Personal information

  ●Conservation animals and their products

  ●Products containing or suggesting pornographic or obscene connotations

  ●Other products that violate laws and regulations that are prohibited from being sold or advertised.

  ●Other products deemed by Cuplemon as inappropriate or unfit for listing on Cuplemon's Platforms.


Intellectual Property


Cuplemon respects intellectual property rights. No one is allowed to illegally sell counterfeit products, counterfeit products and counterfeit products on mobile apps and web pages of this service. Cuplemon also strictly prohibits any content that infringes on intellectual property rights.


Any relevant account that sells counterfeit products will face penalties, including permanent suspension of the account. The seller is responsible for only publishing and selling genuine products.

Cuplemon絕對尊重用戶的知識產權,如懷疑其他人/自身的知識產權有侵權情況,請向Cuplemon舉報侵權行為 。侵犯知識產權的帳號或人士,Cuplemon保留其追究權利並會以法律途徑追究賠償。

Cuplemon absolutely respects the intellectual property rights of users. If you suspect that other people's/own intellectual property rights are infringing, please report the infringement to Cuplemon. For accounts or persons who infringe on intellectual property rights, Cuplemon reserves the right to pursue compensation through Legal approach.




We have the right to access your personal data to the extent we reasonably believe we need it in order to provide you with products or services. In order to protect the security of your account and personal information, please do not provide your personal account number and password to third parties. If your account username or password is compromised, please immediately change your password or ask us to suspend your account



2. 非Cuplemon技術能力範圍內的事因等造成的服務中斷、客戶內容丟失、出現亂碼;

3. 受到計算機病毒、木馬或其他惡意程序、黑客攻擊的破壞;

4. 用戶或本服務的電腦軟件、系統、硬件和通信線路出現故障;

5. 用戶操作不當;

6. 用戶通過非本服務授權的方式使用本服務;

7. 可運行本服務應用程式和網站的操作系統、瀏覽器或軟件等的漏洞、錯誤、惡意代碼、惡意程序、黑客入侵或不可抗力;

8. 本服務所使用的第三方開源代碼軟件、不開源代碼軟件或其他資源代碼等的漏洞、錯誤、惡意代碼、惡意程序、黑客入侵或不可抗力;

9. 本服務所使用的第三方軟件或第三方服務提供商所提供的服務引致的錯誤丶失誤丶漏洞或惡意活動;

10. 其他本服務無法控制或合理預見的情形。

Cuplemon is not responsible for any interruption or interruption of service caused by:

1. Network failure, technical defect, coverage limitation, force majeure

2. Service interruption, loss of customer content, or garbled characters caused by events not within the scope of Cuplemon's technical capabilities;

3. Damaged by computer viruses, Trojan horses or other malicious programs, or hacker attacks;

4. The computer software, system, hardware and communication lines of the user or the service are faulty;

5. Improper user operation;

6. The user uses the service in a way not authorized by the service;

7. Vulnerabilities, errors, malicious codes, malicious programs, hacking or force majeure of the operating system, browser or software that can run the application and website of this service;

8. Vulnerabilities, errors, malicious codes, malicious programs, hacking or force majeure of third-party open-source software, non-open source software or other resource codes used in this service;

9. Errors, mistakes, bugs or malicious activities caused by third-party software used in this service or services provided by third-party service providers;

10.Other circumstances beyond the control or reasonably foreseeable of this service.


1. 來自他人匿名或冒名的含有威脅、誹謗、令人反感或非法內容的信息;

2. 遭受他人誤導、欺騙或其他導致或可能導致的任何心理、生理上的傷害以及經濟上的損失;

3. 其他因網絡信息或用戶行為引起的損失或風險。


Users may encounter risks brought by network information or other user behaviors when using this service. This service is not responsible for the authenticity, applicability, and legality of any information, nor for damages caused by users. These risks include but are not limited to:

1. Information containing threatening, defamatory, objectionable or illegal content from others anonymously or impersonating;

2. Suffer any psychological, physical harm and economic loss caused or likely to be caused by others misleading, deceived or otherwise;

3. Other losses or risks caused by network information or user behavior.

Users are requested not to trust any online information involving property and passwords, so as not to be deceived.

Cuplemon對於所有人發佈的內容與商品資訊並不負任何法律上之保證、擔保或賠償責任。您明確了解並同意 Cuplemon 提供之網路服務、資料庫系統及程式設計僅以「現狀」提供服務,Cuplemon不保證以下事項:

1. 所有會員自行填寫資料之正確性。

2. 本服務符合使用者的需求;

3. 您經由本服務購買之商品或服務將符合您的期望;

4. 本服務內容及系統程式不受干擾、及時提供或免於出錯;

Cuplemon is not responsible for any legal guarantee, guarantee or compensation for the content and product information published by the owner. You clearly understand and agree that the network services, database system and programming provided by Cuplemon provide services only 'as is', and Cuplemon does not guarantee the following:

1. All members fill in the correctness of the information by themselves.

2. This service meets the needs of users.

3. The products or services you purchase through this service will meet your expectations;

4. The content of this service and system programs are not disturbed, provided in a timely manner or free from errors;


All information or ambiguities in this Terms of Service will be based on the official interpretation of Cuplemon. If you continue to use this service, it means that you agree to the content of this Terms of Service.

Cuplemon 會隨時進行規格變更及版本更新,如因此暫時停止網路服務,Cuplemon 不對平台使用者負上任何賠償。

Cuplemon will make version updates at any time. If the network service is temporarily suspended as a result, Cuplemon will not be liable for any compensation to platform users.

本服務指定之第三方服務,所提供的服務品質及內容由該第三方自行負責。故使用本服務時,可能由於第三方本身系統問題、相關作業網路連線品質問題或其他不可抗拒因素,造成驗證無法完成。若您所提供之基本資料有誤,造成本服務無法即時通知您異常狀況之緊急處理方式時,Cuplemon 對此將不負任何損害賠償責任。本服務擁有隨時更改條款的權利,若您仍繼續使用本服務,即表示您願意受新修訂的條款內容。

Any third party software, hardware, and services that you use in conjunction with Cuplemon's services is the sole responsibility of such third party, and is subject to the terms, conditions, warranties and disclaimers provided by such third party. Moreover, no party will be responsible for any damages or other liability resulting from a party’s inability to receive or transmit to the service by any reason beyond the reasonable control of any party, including without limitation, any occurrence of any act of God, strike, industrial disturbance, act of terrorism, fire, electrical failure, major computer hardware or software failure, equipment delivery delay or act of a third party. In such cases, if the contact details that you have provided are incorrect, Cuplemon cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any damages resulting from lack of communication on our part.


Delete Cuplemon account

帳號刪除 30 天後,系統將永久刪除您的帳號及所有相關資料,且您將無法擷取任何資料。在這 30 天內,您刪除的內容仍受《 使用條款》和《隱私政策》規範,且其他用戶無法查看該內容。我們最多可能需要 90 天的時間(自刪除程序開始時起算),才能刪除您發佈的所有內容。其他用戶無法在我們刪除時看到這些資訊。您的內容副本於 90 天後仍會保留在備份儲存空間;我們也可能因為法律議題、違反條款或危害預防工作等各種原因,而保存您的資訊。

After 30 days, your account and all data will be permanently deleted, and you will not be able to retrieve any of your data. During these 30 days, the content you delete is still governed by the《Terms of Use》 and 《Privacy Policy》 and cannot be viewed by other users. It may take up to 90 days (from the start of the deletion) for us to delete all content you have posted. While we're deleting the information, it's not accessible to other people using Cuplemon. Copies of your content will remain in backup storage after 90 days; we may also keep your information for various reasons, including legal issues, breach of terms, or compromising prevention efforts.


Updating These Terms


We may change our Service and policies, and we may need to make changes to these Terms so that they accurately reflect our Service and policies. Then, if you continue to use the Service, you will be bound by the updated Terms. If you do not want to agree to these or any updated Terms, you can delete your account.